Mackenzie & David – Whole Foods Market Engagament, Napa, Ca

You guys a whole foods engagament session …… I mean come on how fun and awesome. Mackenzie and David met while working at whole foods so how could we not. 🙂

When I asked Mackenzie about their love story this is what she said ….

“David and I were both working at Whole Foods and I had basically had a thing for him from day one. He was a supervisor in the grocery department, and I was a team member in the bakery. I had often referred to him as my “work boo” or “eye candy” to my coworkers as a silly inside joke.

At the time that’s all he really was to me. One day I was talking to my mom about him because she saw him walking into work, and said “Mackenzie, why don’t you go out with a guy like that? He seems cute for you.” I simply responded with “Yes mom, he’s very cute. He’s nice to look at, but the moment he opens his mouth, it’s like NO WAY.” (At the time I had just heard a few of the conversations he would have with people in the break room at work about who knows what).

Anyway. A couple weeks pass and a few coworkers mention to David that I thought he was cute. That day, he decided to take his ten minute breaks and his lunch break when I go on mine, and he tries his hardest to break the ice. All I could think about was why he was talking to me. I didn’t think he had even noticed me before this. (He has noticed me, but since he was a supervisor he was very cautious about who he went out with, especially at work).

He was asking me countless amounts of questions and I wasn’t giving him anything. I responded with things like “I burn grilled cheese every time I make it” or “I like Netflix… with my cat.” It was awkward and he wasn’t really getting anywhere. But he kept trying. Eventually, David asked me if I had ever seen a scary movie. I said no. And he asked me if I would want to go see the next “IT” movie with him. I said yes. We exchanged numbers. And this is how it all began.

He makes me happy, genuinely happy. To this day, he makes me blush and get all antsy. Yet, I feel completely comfortable around him. Like… I can be my goofy self or have a really negative Nancy moment and he will love me anyways. He makes me feel good when nothing else can. He feels like home. I couldn’t picture spending the rest of my life with anyone else, and I’m so lucky I will never have to. 

Doesn’t this just melt your heart 🙂

I also asked Mackenzie what are they mostly excited about on wedding day, and this is what she said “ We both have different things we are excited about for the wedding day. David is most excited about seeing me walk down the aisle with that sparkle in my eye trying not to cry tears of joy. He says “You get a certain sparkle in your eye whenever you’re genuinely happy, excited, or just so in love with something that you aren’t quite sure as to how you can express it.” 

As for me, I’m most excited to marry my forever person, in front of our families and friends. I couldn’t think of anything more exciting or more special than that moment. Seeing his reaction while I walk down the isle is going to be a major bonus to it all.