Warm Cookies – Lifestyle home session

The world is changing, life is changing, and with that family sessions need to change. We can’t go to beautiful location to do family session because well … there closed. We can’t wait around for places to open to capture session because we dont know when they’ll open and time is passing us by.

Being a mom myself I know and understand that our children grow up so fast. I always stress to clients that tomorrow they’ll already be bigger and to capture the now. So now I want to take the time to educate families about Lifestyle home session. It’s fun, it’s candid, it a memory. Make a pizza, back some cookies, play in the sprinkles / pool, have a dance party, paint nails, tickle fight on the bed, Just be you.

These are the pictures you want to put on your wall, or make a book for your kiddos to look at and smile at a memory.

Let me capture your lifestyle, let me capture your families story.