Amanda & Curtis – The Bayley Barn – Pilot Hill, CA

My love for old building and gorgeous brides was making this day pretty amazing. It was such an honor to capture Amanda & Curtis wedding at The Bayley Barn, An old historic home The Bayley house that was built in 1861 hopping to be the next grand hotel in Pilot Hill but Central Pacific railroad decided to go up Auburn and not Pilot hill so the hotel flopped.

When I asked Amanda what was her favorite part of the wedding was she said “Everything” “I loved walking down the isle with my dad and dancing and my sisters speech, it really touched my heart” I also asked Amanda what advise she would say to future brides and she said ” Dont stress the small stuff, everything always comes together and to just enjoy every minute. When we found out we left the wedding rings back at the hotel and I was starting to have a melt down, I had to stop and remember I’m about to marry my best friend and all those little things dont matter I still got to marry the love of my life and we still had a beautiful ceremony” 

Thank you again Amanda and Curtis for choosing me to capture your amazing day 🙂